1 min read

Taking inventory

Zines fanned out on printer while printer continues to print more copies
A spread of art encouragement and instructional zines made since 2020.

📖 Last week I found all of the files for the zines I made in 2020/2021 and backed them up. Eager to see if any of them were worth promoting, I printed them out. There were four from that era plus the two I made last year for a total of six zines available to share.

I looked through them all and found things I would like to tweak, but overall I was pleased with the work I have done.

In an effort to organize backups for my old comics, I downloaded my posts from Instagram. I was surprised how much I still loved The Rabbit Hole comic from 2021. So now I am drawing over the paper drafts with my iPad in the Procreate app and loving the results.

This will be my next zine and my first official comic zine! Feels so good to be able to see all of my work and also like a time capsule of where my mind was a few years ago. Turns out I'm still obsessed with the same things, especially with the joy of DIY media. 🙂

For printable downloads of my available zones check out https://ko-fi.com/birdbo